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Foreign visitors to Japan increased by 52% to 1.85 million in January 2016

Foreign visitors to Japan increased by 52% to 1.85 million in January 2016

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) reported that foreign visitors to Japan increased by 52% year on year to 1,852,000 in January 2016, which represented the record-high result for January and the second most on a single basis following 1,918,000 in July 2015.

The table below shows changes of foreign visitors to Japan in the past year:


The monthly top market was Korea with 514,900 visitors (+43.8%), following December 2015. Visitors from China were considerably up 110% to 475,000, followed by Taiwan with 321,000 (+47.9%) and Hong Kong with 125,000 (+42.5%). A share of the four markets accounted for 77.5% of the total.

Visitors from of other markets except Russia were record-high for January. The table below shows visitor results by major market in January 2016:


In Korea, three consecutive holidays, extension of the air network and better exchange rate for Korean Travelers especially contributed to the monthly growth. In China, school holidays ahead of schedule and growth of visitors on cruise ship boosted the inbound travel market. The following winds in Europe, U.S. or Australia were extension of the air network and lower fuel surcharges.

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