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International guests staying in lodgings in Kyoto City exceeded 50% for the first time in April 2017

International guests staying in lodgings in Kyoto City exceeded 50% for the first time in April 2017

Kyoto City Tourism Association and Kyoto Convention Bureau announced that the ratio of international guests staying in hotels and ryokans in Kyoto City increased by 5.3 points year on year to record-high 50.9% in April 2017, marking the first over 50% ever.

By market, guests from U.S. accounted for 14.8%, which was the largest share, followed by 14.5% from China and 12.3% from Taiwan. U.S. became the largest market for the first time. The composition ratio of guests from Europe and U.S. in Kyoto was larger than that in whole Japan.

The tables below show the composition ratios of international guests in Kyoto (above) and in the whole Japan (below):


The occupancy rate in April 2017 was 94.6%, the third highest result following 97.6% in April 2014 and 95.1% in November 2014.

In Japanese