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NAVITIME Japan navigation app clarifies which cities in Japan are getting popular among tourists from Europe and U.S.

NAVITIME Japan, a navigation app provider of Japan, announced which cities in Japan is getting popular among tourists from U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Spain and Italy, based on the search results on ‘Japan Travel by NAVITIME’ app.

The remarkable growth rates in comparison to 2019 were seen in Bando City, Ibaraki Prefecture with 93 times more searches for U.S. travelers, in Kosaka Town, Akita Prefecture with 25 times more searches for U.K. travelers, in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture with 14 times more searches for German travelers, in Nagakute City, Aichi Prefecture with 45 times more searches for French travelers, in Nagaoka City, Niigta Prefecture with 8 times more searches for Spanish travelers and in Kusatsu Town, in Gunma Prefecture with 9 times more searches for Italian travelers. 

Nagakute City was more searched by travelers from U;.K., Germany, France and Spain maybe because Ghibli Park opened in November 2022. Also, searches of Kusatsu among French, Spanish and Italian travelers skyrocketed probably because they are more interested in onsen experiences than before.