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The sharing economy market scale in Japan expanded by 22% to 28.5 billion JPY in FY2015

The sharing economy market scale in Japan expanded by 22% to 28.5 billion JPY in FY2015

The latest research on sharing economy, conducted by Yano Research Institute, finds that the domestic market scale in Japan was up 22.4% year on year to 28.5 billion JPY in FY2015. As the vacation rental market is expected to grow after a new rule is made in 2017, the research has forecasted that the market scale will expand to 60 billion JPY in FY2020 with the annual growth rate of 17.1%.

The table below shows yearly changes of the sharing economy market scale:


The research defines a service platform for unspecified users to share ride, space, thing, people or money on internet as sharing economy.

The following sharing economy services were subject to the research.

Ride sharing: earthcar, ORIX car share, careco car sharing club, Times Car Plus, COGICOGI, Uber, notteco

Space sharing: Airbnb, STAY JAPAN, Nokisaki Business, Space Market, akippa, Nokisaki Parking

Thing sharing: airCloset, SUSTINA, Licie, monosea, Laxus,

People sharing: Cloud Works, Lancers, ANYTIMES、TimeTicket, anicare

Money sharing: Makuak, READYFOR, CAMPFIRE MotionGallery, Cloud Bank, maneo, SBI Social Lending

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