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Japan Tourism Agency shows four pillars of how local tourism plays promote DX to improve destination management

Japan Tourism Agency instructs how local tourism players should promote digital transformation in four pillars of ‘improvement of traveler’s convenience and promotion of round tours,’ ‘improvement of productivity in the tourism industry,’ ‘development of destination management’ and ‘DX human resource development.’ 

The agency shows the future vision, the current challenges, how to solve issues and also KPIs in FY2027 for each of the four pillars. 

Improvement of traveler’s convenience and promotion of round tours

The agency encourages local players to deliver information thoroughly on websites frequently used by travelers (such as Google business profile or OTAs) and to build a seamless system for booking, payment and delivery of real-time information. A KPI is that all of the registered DMOs will complete launch of a comprehensive website. 

Improvement of productivity in the tourism industry

The agency helps hotels or ryokans introduce digital tools including a revenue management system in order to improve labor environment. Also, unification of data specification and usage of PMS are recommended. A KPI is that such efforts are made by 2,000 hotels or ryokans nationwide. 

Development of destination management

The agency assists DMOs to draw up DX management strategies and to introduce CRM or DMP.  Effects of the actions using accumulated data, will be inspected. A KPI is that all of the registered DMOs will draw up DX management strategies, and 90 of all will use CRM or DMP.

DX human resource development

The Agency helps local players learn know-hows of digital management and recruit digital professionals and create opportunities to learn for executives. A KPI is that 100% of DX-engaged staff in the registered DMOs will complete educational programs.