About 40% of SNS Users transmitted Information on Travel Experience and 33% Have Done It “On the Scene” –JTM Survey

According to the “Survey on the Relationship of Usage of Smartphones and Travel Consumption (2014)” conducted by Japan Tourism Marketing Co. (JTM), 88.2% of the smartphone users access to SNS and 66% of those users access to “more than 2 SNSs.” Among those under 29 years old, 93.2% access to “more than 2 SNSs” and 54.8% access to “more than 4 SNSs.” JTM concludes that access to multiple SNSs have become very common.

SNS with the most users was “Facebook” with 48.0%, followed by “Twitter” with 34.0%. Among all SNS users 50.6% were female, however there were more male “Facebook” users and “Twitter” users. The most accessed SNS was “Twitter,” and 10.2% of the users access to the service “whenever there is a free time” which increase twice as much from the same survey last year (5.5%.) Among the all SNS users, those accessed to the service “more than 10 times a day” increased slightly, but on the other hand, those access to the service “once in every few days” increased as well. Also, 29.6% “read SNS but stopped posting” indicating that some users have gotten tired of SNS.

From JTM Press Release

41% of SNS users transmitted information on travel experience and 92.1% of them “sent out pictures.” Objects to be pictured during travel are becoming important aspect because they are essential icons for spreading information on SNS.

Many of those users post information “after getting home” (45.3%), but quite a few users do so “during spare time of travel” or “on the scene” as well. Nevertheless, many male users transmit information “on the scene” (42.9%) while female users tend to transmit information “after getting home” (57.1%.)

From JTM Press Release

Furthermore, concerning job related activities during private trips, more than 30% of fulltime workers from 30s to 60s answered that they “checked job related mails,” more than 20% of workers in 30s and 60s “made job related phone calls” and 8.5% of under 29 years old “made documents or did other works.” However, more than half of 45 users who answered “intentionally chose travel destinations where SNSs are inaccessible” being fulltime workers, an awareness for taking complete “off” seems to be growing.

The survey was conducted from September 6 to 11, targeted at 18 to 69 years old living in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Nagoya area and Osaka area and collected 2,060 valid replies.

(Travel Voice Editorial Department)

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