Google Travel opens free hotel booking links for every hotel and travel company in addition to ad bidders

Google provides hotels and travel companies around the world with free hotel booking links on in addition to conventionally ad bidders. It allows them including independent hotels to deliver real-time prices and available rooms on their visibilities.

Search results by users reflect the Google’s judgement that they are the most appropriate results for users. There are two new organic slots, in addition to up to four ad slots.

Partners who already participate in the Hotel Prices API and Hotel Ads do not need to take any further action to appear in free booking links, and any hotel or travel company is eligible to participate via their Hotel Center account.

Google said that it will also continue to improve the onboarding process for new partners on Hotel Center and introduce tools that allow individual hotels to provide their rates and availability directly, without complex technical requirements. 

Google has been testing the new format for hotel booking links with some of its partners since the last year, following free participation in Google Flights last year and open of shopping tab to free listings for online retail in April. 

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