The highest growth rate of bookings for traveling in Japan on Expedia was found in Brazil in 2016

The booking results for traveling in Japan on Expedia Group found that the highest growth rate of bookings in 2016 was found in Brazil with 60% or higher up on all devices and about 95% up on mobile terminals. The results came from year-round bookings on 200 or more Expedia Group’s sites in 75 or more countries.

Brazil was followed by Korea with about 60% up on all devices and 105% or higher up on mobile terminals, Indonesia, Taiwan and U.S., as the table below shows:


By destination in Japan, the highest growth rate of bookings was found in Kagoshima (up about 200%), followed by Okayama (up 150% or higher), Oita (up about 140%), Hokkaido (up about 110%) and Ishikawa (up about 95%). The results represented that international visitors decentralized to local regions from so-called Golden Route from Tokyo to Osaka, according to Expedia.


Also, Expedia said that four or five-star hotels were particularly preferred by travelers from U.S., China, U.K., Singapore or Australia, and two or three-star hotels by travelers from Southeast Asia or Europe.

In Japanese

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