The Japanese government adopted a FY2020 supplementary budget of 17 trillion JPY on April 7 2020, which is a financial base to execute the COVID-19 emergency economic measures totaling 108 trillion JPY.
For Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, a budget of 43.2 billion JPY was approved to execute ‘recovery of public-private economic activities as a next step’ and ‘establishment of stronger economic structure.’
In addition, the ministry is executing measures to boost domestic travel demand under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry budget of 1.7 trillion JPY.
On of them is to promote public-private ‘Go To’ campaigns to boost demands for tourism, transportation, restaurant, event and entertainment in the limited period after spread of the COVID-19 stops in the future.
‘Go To Travel’ encourages a consumer to travel by providing a coupon valued at half of a travel product price, up to 20,000 JPY a person a night, through a travel industry.
‘Go To Eat’ provides a consumer with points valued at up to 1,000 JPY on online booking and also with a 20% discount premium coupon for registered restaurants.
‘Go To Event’ offers a 20% discount coupon to a consumer who purchase an event or entertainment ticket.
‘Go To Shotengai (shopping street)’ financially supports Shotengai when they hosts promotions and events or develops tourism products.
In the name of development of tourism bases for recovery, a budget of 15.8 billion JPY will be used for creation of local tourist contents or events that boost a longer stay, development of multi-languages signages in public transportation and launch of cashless payment systems.
Furthermore, a budget of 9.6 billion JPY will be used for a large-scale advertising promotions to recover the inbound travel market and also to restart of international flights under the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)’s leadership.