DMO Kyoto revealed that the occupancy rate of 111 hotels in Kyoto City in June 2023 was down 4.3 points over May 2023 or up 22.2 points over June 2022 to 76.5%, which was lower than 79.8% in June 2019.The reduction rate in comparison with 2019 was less than 10% for two months in a row.
Japanese guest nights in June 2023 totaled 357,637, which was 20.6% more nights than May 2023. International guest nights were up 4.5% to 375,604 compared to May 2023. The ratio of international guests was 51.2% of the total, higher than 44.4% in May 2023.
By source market, the top was U.S. with the ratio of 26.7%, followed by China with 14.2% and Taiwan with 12.4%.
The average room price was 15,533 JPY, which were 37% higher than a year ago or even 17.8% higher than the same month of 2019.
Meanwhile, the occupancy rate of 26 major ryokans in Kyoto City was 74.2%, 0.1 lower points than the previous month or 4.2 higher points than the same month 2019.
DMO Kyoto has forecasted the hotel occupancy rate of 60.9% in July, 64.8% in August and 71.4% in September this year.